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Bludcor Syrup

Each 100 ml. contains:


*Aqueous extract derived from:

Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)........................................40 mg

Tulsi (Ocimum santum)..........................................8 mg

Haridra (Curcuma Longal).....................................5 mg

Bow rasa (Archetto (musica).................................5 mg

Halite (Natrium)........................................................7 mg

Sodium bicarbonate (Natron)..............................10 mg

Mangnesium stearate (Dryer)...................................q.s.


Indications :

Useful in all kinds of Blood diseases.



BLUDCOR SYRUP is a combination of herbs like Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Tulsi (Ocimum santum),       Bow rasa (Archetto musica), Ginger (Zingiber officibale), Haridra (Curcuma Longal).

The leaves of the vasa plant contain the alkaloid vasicine (C11H12N2O), which is responsible for the       small but persistent bronchodilatation, and an essential oil which is chiefly responsible for the expectorant action. The leaves and roots contain other alkaloids, vasicinone, vasicinolone and vasicol, which may contribute to the bronchodilatory effect through anticholinergic action on the vagal innervation of the bronchii. The bronchodilation effect is considerably increased after atropine administration. Studies have also shown vasa to be effective in the treatment of amlapitta (dyspepsia) and pyorrhea . The in vitro growth of several strains of Mycoplasma tuberculosis was inhibited by the essential oil at concentrations in the range of 2-20 ug/ml. . There has also been a report of thrombopoetic (platelet-increasing) activity with vasicine.
Sodium is a compound of many foodstuffs, for instance of common salt. It is necessary for humans to maintain the balance of the physical fluids system. Sodium is also required for nerve and muscle functioning. Too much sodium can damage our kidneys and increases the chances of high blood pressure.
The amount of sodium a person consumes each day varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture; some people get as little as 2 g/day, some as much as 20 grams. Sodium is essential, but controversely surrounds the amount required.

The active constituent of Haridra is known as curcumin. It has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects. First, it protects against free radical damage because it is a strong antioxidant. Second, it reduces inflammation. It accomplishes this by reducing histamine levels and possibly by increasing production of natural cortisone by the adrenal glands. Third, it protects the liver from a number of toxic compounds. Fourth, it has been shown to reduce platelets from clumping together, which in turn, improves circulation and helps protect against atherosclerosis. Numerous studies have also shown cancer-preventing effects of curcumin. This may be due to its powerful antioxidant activity in the body.



Children 2-12 yrs.: 1 spoons with water at a time,

3 times a day or as directed by the Physician


Presentations : 100 ml. bottles

                                           MRP        Retailer       Stockist

                                      128.57       102.85           92.57

Structural Formula


Taj Values






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