Amla, Aswagandha, Hareetaki, Dashmul, Ghrit and several
other herbs.
Chyawanprash healthier life begins :
Derived from 2500 year old Ayurvedi formula. Totally
chemical-free, natural and safe. Powerful combination of
herbs and plant extracts in a base of Amla fruit pulp.
Refined by Taj to provide traditional goodness with best
quality. Reinforces the immune system & helps flight
disease. Trusted health provider of a majority of Indian
Amla Fruit
is rich in Vitamin C and Pectin. Tannins present in it
retard the oxidation of Vitamin C. It is well known fact
that pectin decreases Serum Cholesterol in human beings.
It inhibits Platelets aggregation and lowers cholesterol
levels. It is a tonic, has a haematinic and lipalytic
function useful in Scurvy and Jaundice, prevents
Indigestion and controls acidity as well as it’s a
natural source of anti-ageing. It is one of the
supplement used in hyperacidity and Liver disorders. It
stops premature greying or hair-loss, encourages nail
and hair growth, improves eye-sight, cleanses the mouth,
nourishes the teeth, bones. Cleanses the intestine and
regulates blood sugar.
Usage :
Chyawanprash Special has tangy sweet-sour tasted and the
consistency of jam. It can be taken directly or in milk
and as bread spread. In all cases its therapeutic
properties have proven to remain stable and active.
Dose :
1-2 teaspoonful.
MRP Retailer
250 gms 53.00
42.40 38.16
500 gms
97.00 77.60
1 kg
169.00 135.20
121.68 |