The Taj Pharmaceuticals Health Kiosk is an exciting, entertaining
way to find out more about health and disease. A wealth
of examples illustrate how healthy organs function and
how diseases develop.
Taj Pharmaceuticals Health Kiosk
- Type 2 diabetes - Cardiovascular
disease - Osteoporosis - Cancer -
Overweight - HIV/AIDS - Influenza - Hepatitis
The Taj Pharmaceuticals Health Kiosk will take you a journey
through the human body, providing an inside look at the
processes of life and offering breathtaking views of how
our body works. You will see a beating heart, watch
insulin being released from the pancreas, look at the
chromosomes inside a cell, examine the composition of
bone in the spine and see witness flu viruses invading
the membranes lining the upper respiratory
Experience all this and start your
interactive journey with the Taj Pharmaceuticals
Health Kiosk. |