Anxiety disorders are a group of serious yet
treatable disorders that affect behavior, thoughts,
feelings and physical sensations. Ranging from
depression to panic, mood and anxiety disorders are a
leading cause of suffering and impairment. Although they
are widespread, they frequently go undetected and
What are anxiety disorders? Normally,
anxiety rouses you to action. It gears you up to face a
threatening situation. But if you have an anxiety
disorder, it can do just the opposite - it can keep you
from coping and can disrupt your daily life. Anxiety
disorders are not just a case of "nerves" - they are
illnesses. Experts believe that anxiety disorders are
caused by a combination of biological and environmental
factors, much like other disorders such as heart disease
or diabetes.
Types of anxiety disorders There are
several types of anxiety disorders, each with its own
distinct features:
- Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is much
more than the normal anxiety people experience day to
day. People with GAD suffer from chronic and
exaggerated worry and tension, even though nothing
seems to provoke it. When anxiety becomes hard to
control and persistent (present for more than 6
months), it can have a serious negative impact on
daily activities and general well being
- Specific Phobias: Many people experience
specific phobias - intense, irrational fears of
certain things or situations (such as spiders, dogs,
closed-in places or heights). Adults with phobias
realise their fears are irrational, but facing, or
even thinking about facing, the feared object or
situation brings on a severe anxiety or even panic
- Social phobia is an intense fear of
becoming humiliated in social situations, specifically
of embarrassing yourself in front of other people. It
often runs in families and may be accompanied by
depression or alcoholism. Social phobia often begins
around early adolescence or even younger. Social
phobia disrupts normal life, interfering with career
or social relationships
- Panic disorder: People with panic disorder
experience frequent, unprovoked panic attacks that
involve symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, chest
pains, dizziness or light-headedness, nausea,
difficulty in breathing and fear of losing control or
doing something embarrassing. Panic disorder is twice
as common in women as in men. It can appear at any
age, but most often it begins in young adults.
Untreated, the disorder can become very
Treatment of anxiety disorders Fortunately,
most people with an anxiety disorder can be helped with
the right professional care. Some people require only a
few months of treatment, while others need a year or
more. People with anxiety disorders often have more than
one disorder, which can complicate treatment. Equally,
substance abuse and clinical depression often co-exist
in patients with an anxiety disorder.
can play a useful role in treating anxiety disorders and
may be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy.
Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications are often
used to ease symptoms so that other therapy can go
forward. |