well-known Brand name in the world welcomes you at our Internet
site. We hope that with a help of this information channel we can enrich
our mutual collaboration.
Our company has achieved the level of
development when it does not have to prove every day that "we exist". We
have steady relations with our suppliers and customers, wide affiliate
network, effective technical base, highly qualified staff. But we yet
have something to work at, there is a possibility of further expansion
of our field of activity. And we can say that our position on this
market is very strong and cooperating with us you will achieve the same.
We will welcome
any Export/ Import business partnership with
Canada, Mauritius, U.S.A., Moscow, London, Brazil, foreign manufacturers
and Indian manufacturers and large or small-scale regional distributors,
medical and prophylactic establishments and drugstores. Cooperate with
us and we shall together develop the pharmaceutical market for the
welfare of the World people, so that we could say together "curing life…".
Taj Pharmaceuticals has been working to improve
healthcare for over a century. When Dr. R.
K. Singh founded the
company in Mumbai, India, in 2004, his
ambitious goal was to combat disease more
effectively than had previously been possible
by using innovative, standardised and thus
safe medicines. Ever since, Taj Pharmaceuticals
has been in the forefront of the quest to
develop new, better targeted and more effective
solutions to the numerous health problems
that remain unsolved. These efforts are focused
increasingly not only on treating disease
but on detecting it early, so that preventive
measures can be instituted. Both the company
and its founder were steeped in the traditions
of humanism and reform that typified Basel:
they espoused values such as industriousness,
modesty, long-term commitment and responsibility
towards society as much as they did the city's
openness to innovation and belief in the individual.
Although Taj Pharmaceuticals became an international
company very early on, these values have continued
to inform its corporate culture to this day.
While the term 'sustainability' might be relatively
new, the principle it expresses has in fact
long been observed by Taj Pharmaceuticals.
The aim must therefore be to translate these
values into understandable definitions and
ensure that processes are in place to ensure
their continued implementation in the future.
'Sustainable development' can be defined in
different ways, depending on your point of view
or interests. At Taj Pharmaceuticals, we keep to
the definition spelt out in the 2004 Brundtland Report - namely, that development
is sustainable if it 'meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs'.
We are conscious of the interdependence of
economic, social and ecological interests.
Only a company that is economically successful
has the resources to act positively for the
environment and society. Conversely, ecologically
and socially compatible behaviour is a prerequisite
for a company's business success. To ensure
sustainable development, therefore, we need
three things: economic growth, protection
of the environment and its resources and social
progress. Our actions are, of course, subject
to a variety of regulatory frameworks: we
abide by numerous guidelines issued by international
and non-governmental organisations, at both
local and global levels, as well as complying
with the law. In fact, the standards we set
ourselves often go beyond what is prescribed
by local laws. Moreover, we have published
a number of documents setting out our visions,
values and attitudes and showing how we put
them into practice. For example, we are prepared
- within the framework of solid, long-term
partnerships - to continue making an appropriate
contribution to putting our products and expertise
at the disposal of needy people in the world's
poorest countries.
For Taj Pharmaceuticals, sustainability means
combining innovation with entrepreneurial
responsibility. Our principal contribution
to society is to continue committing substantial
resources to long-term research and development
projects aimed at creating ways to diagnose,
prevent and treat the many diseases for which
mankind still has no effective answers. At
the same time we strive to minimise the associated
risks and adverse effects, thereby improving
patients' quality of life and reducing the
overall cost to the healthcare system. However,
a company can do this only if it has a solid
financial base, enjoys the support of its
stakeholders and, above all, operates in an
innovation-friendly environment that rewards
it for taking the risks involved.
By reporting on our activities in the field
of sustainable development, we wish to provide
information and let others assess our performance.
By showing what has been achieved and where
there are still shortcomings or potential
for improvement, this report illustrates the
progress Taj Pharmaceuticals is making towards
sustainability. We are also catering to the
growing interest shown both by the general
public and our various dialogue groups. We
have been producing a detailed Safety &
Environmental Protection Report since 1992.
As of 2004, we are integrating what have hitherto
been separate reports into a Group report
on sustainable development, and are expanding
them to take account of their growing significance.
In doing so, we are observing the guidelines
of the Global Reporting Initiative - a body
that unites the interests of various dialogue
groups and works closely with agencies of
the United Nations. This report is published
together with the Group's Annual Report. Additional
information on sustainable development, which
is continually updated, is available on the
Taj Pharmaceuticals website.
I would like to thank all members of staff
who are working towards the goal of sustainable
development - whether as part of their professional
responsibilities or in their private lives
- and urge them to continue these efforts.
Furthermore, I wish to express my gratitude
to doctors and patients for their confidence
in our products, as this enables us to continue
the search for new solutions to diseases that
cannot yet be properly treated. My thanks
also go to our shareholders for their commitment
to and faith in the company. Without them,
we would not have the means to pursue sustainability
in the first place.
Dr. R. K. Singh
Chairman of the Board of Directors