Few reliable data are available on the global
prevalence of Parkinson's disease, but it is estimated
that 4 million people are suffering from the disease
world-wide. Parkinson's disease affects all ethnic
groups. Although Parkinson's disease occurs in every
part of the world, because it is mainly an illness of
later life, it is more common in developed countries
where people live longer. The overall prevalence of
Parkinson's disease in Europe is approximately 1.6 – 1.8
per 100 in persons over 65 years of age. Because of the
ageing of the world population, the importance of
Parkinson's disease as a public health issue is expected
to increase.
What is Parkinson's Disease? Parkinson's
disease, also known as PD or Parkinson's for short, is a
chronic, progressive disorder of the central nervous
system that affects various parts of the body,
Tremor (uncontrolled shaking, usually in the hands
or feet and when the muscles are relaxed)
Stiffness in the muscles
Difficulty when starting movements
The disease is named after a London doctor, James
Parkinson, who first recognised its main features,
particularly the characteristic uncontrolled shaking of
the limbs. His Essay on "The Shaking Palsy", written in
1817, provided the basis for all later
The cause of Parkinson's disease is
unknown. What is known is that it results from a
deficiency of the chemical messenger (neurotransmitter)
dopamine, which is produced by the brain and plays a
vital role in the control of voluntary
In Parkinson's disease,
dopamine-producing cells are lost from the brain,
causing a shortage of dopamine. The clinical symptoms of
Parkinson's disease occur when there is not enough
dopamine in the brain to generate this signal for
movement control.
Which parts of the body are
affected, and how badly, differs among individuals.
Although the symptoms tend to get worse as time goes on,
this usually happens very slowly. Meanwhile, treatment
for symptoms is available, and there is a lot that can
be done to minimise any problems.
Management of Parkinson's Disease Since the
symptoms of Parkinson's disease are due to a shortage of
dopamine in the brain, the main aim of drug therapy is
to replace or augment the supply of this chemical. The
use of levodopa, which is converted into dopamine in the
brain, revolutionised the treatment of Parkinson's
disease. The advantage of levodopa treatment is that it
controls the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and most
people can tolerate it. |